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All creatives under 'S'

Name Other Names Birthyear Deathyear Notes
Swears, Linda American composer, chiefly of Jewish choral music, with a particular interest in children's music
Sweelinck, Jan Pieterszoon Swelinck, Zwelinck, Sweeling, Sweelingh, Sweling, Swelingh] 1562 1621 Dutch composer, organist, and pedagogue whose work straddled the end of the Renaissance and beginning of the Baroque eras.
Sweeting, E. T. Sweeting, Edward Thomas 1897 1901 Scottish composer
Sweetman, Debbie Member of Counterpoint choir
Swenson, May Swenson, Anna Thilda May 1913 1989 American poet and playwright.
Swingle, Ward 1927 2015 American vocalist and jazz musician who founded The Swingle Singers in France in 1962.
Sydney, Phillip Sir 1554 1586 English poet, courtier, scholar, and soldier, who is remembered as one of the most prominent figures of the Elizabethan age. His works include Astrophel and Stella, The Defence of Poesy (also known as The Defence of Poetry or An Apology for Poetry), and The Countess of Pembroke's Arcadia.
Symons, Christopher 1980 British pianist and performer. His main musical passion, however, is teaching.
Szymko, Joan 1957 US choral conductor and composer