Mercury Music Corp.


Title Composers Type Arranged For Languages
Agnus Dei Thomson, Virgil Choir score 3 part choir Latin
Lamentations of Jeremiah Ginastera, Alberto Score Choir
Magnificat in the Fourth Mode Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da Vocal score SSAA, A capella Latin
O Admirabile Commercium Handl, Jacob (Jacobus Gallus) Choir score SSAATTBB, a cappella Latin
Repleti Sunt Handl, Jacob (Jacobus Gallus) Vocal score SSSSAAAA, a capella Latin
Seven Choruses (from Medea of Euripides Thomson, Virgil Score SSAA and Orchestra English
Sing Unto God Handel, George Frideric Score SATB English
Three Fuguing Tunes Billings, William Score SATB
Trahe Me Post Te Handl, Jacob (Jacobus Gallus) Vocal score SSSAA, a capella Latin